Reel life

Chris and I went to see a movie tonight. That is hardly a surprise: Over 29 years, we have seen hundreds, if not thousands, of movies. One of the small regrets of the relationship is that neither of us kept a list of the movies we’ve seen together — a list that (undoubtedly) would have chronicled our life as a couple. “Rocky Horror Picture Show” was the first movie I remember seeing with him. He was genuinely horrified during the Star Wars trilogy by my love of the Ewoks. As a young married couple, flush with time and money, we saw movies almost indiscriminately — especially in the summer of 1997, when I was hugely pregnant and the movie theater was the only place that was cold. When the children came, we progressed from animation to Harry Potter to the teen market to now sitting alone again, side by side, hands brushing in the popcorn bucket.

Tonight we saw “The One I Love.” The reviews were good but light on details, and now I see why: I cannot tell you much here without ruining the movie. I feel comfortable telling you only that it was about a couple on the verge of divorce, and that it was very, very weird, but very, very good — and thought-provoking. At times in a long-term relationship, it is perhaps tempting to choke up on the reins and slide into not the very best version of yourself. The couple’s struggles in the movie highlighted the benefits of forgiveness and ease and tenderness and compassion — all against a very odd backdrop. It made for interesting fodder at dinner.

But the reminder to loosen the reins made for fun. Right before we turned onto our street, with the top down on the car, the music a little loud, and the evening weather a soft warm blanket, I asked Chris if we could keep driving. We did, singing and laughing and enjoying the ease.

2 thoughts on “Reel life

  1. Elissa Greene

    This is beautiful… Thank you. There is a way to allow people to subscribe to your blog through wordpress. I don’t know how but I am subscribed to several other blogs… If you find out, I would love to subscribe.

  2. Post author

    Thank you so much! My technical support team (code name: Chris) has installed something to allow you to sign up for email notifications. You should be able to do so the next time you visit the site. Off to write.


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